News Update

We are pleased to announce that the University Senate, during its recent emergency meeting, has approved the reopening of the University starting from Thursday, 15th June, 2023. Additionally, the Matriculation Ceremony for newly admitted students will be held on Thursday, 21st June, 2023. Students are reminded to adhere to the zero-tolerance policy on cultism and maintain a peaceful relationship with their host communities. SPECIAL-RELEASE_0001-1Download
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The University Management wishes to inform students parents, guardians and the general public that the University Senate is yet to make decisions to reopen the University as against the rumour being peddled around that the University will be reopening tomorrow. Please recall that following the shut down of the institution by the University Senate about 2 weeks ago, in the wake of the Imaweje/students’ clash, a Committee was set up...
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The attention of the University has been drawn to the nefarious activities of fraudsters who have been circulating information on the social media and requesting the candidate who scored 150 and above to join a WhatsApp group regarding admission into various undergraduate courses. The University wishes to empathically dissociate itself from this admission scam and is using this disclaimer to serve as a very strong warning to those involved in...
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he management received reports of a bloody clash between some unknown people suspected to be Cultists and the Imaweje community leading to the death of a 300 level student of the University and the burning down of the Palace of the Baale of Imaweje. The Vice Chancellor has in view of the present situation asked the Security agents to move in to arrest the situation, maintain law and order and...
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