DAPQAR would among many other functions collect, manage and interpret data to guide the academic development of TASUED and to ensure compliance with NUC’s minimum academic standards and the University Senate’s academic requirements. The unit will advise and assist the Vice-Chancellor on matters relating to the academic progress of the University such as staffing and academic development programmes. Furthermore the unit will ensure quality control of all full time and part time programmes Liaise between the NUC on academic matters and the university providing adequate and current information to appropriate sections of the University through the Vice-Chancellor. Maintaining and updating the data bank of the university on student and staff statistics for use in planning, budgeting and other management requirements. The directorate will liaise between TASUED and external bodies both local and foreign bodies to support effective teaching and learning process..
The vision of the unit will be to strengthen research and scholarship among staff in all areas that will eventually benefit the society at all levels and give the university a global outlook. The directorate through the R & I will therefore Coordinate and monitor research projects in the university.