DIaDeRC Collaborates with TASUED to host a Grant Writing, Winning and Rewardable Scholarly Career Workshop in Africa

DIaDeRC & TASUED Co-Host a Grant-Winning Workshop

DePECOS Institutions and Development Research Centre (DIaDeRC) in collaboration with:

Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) is hosting a 2-day workshop on


Mark your calendars for:

DATE: 15th – 16th February, 2024

VENUE: TETFund 2012 Hall, TASUED, Ijagun, ljebu Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria

Don’t let this golden opportunity slip through your fingers! Our upcoming workshop is an absolute must-attend, featuring distinguished guest speakers boasting years of invaluable experience and a stellar track record. They are committed to equipping you with the essential tools and resources that will propel your career as a researcher to new heights.

Picture this: a room filled with experts eager to share their wealth of knowledge, offering you unparalleled insights that can transform your research endeavours into resounding success stories. Your success isn’t just about personal achievement; it’s about making a significant impact on both your life and community.

By participating in this workshop, you’re not merely investing in yourself but also ensuring that you have every advantage necessary to excel in the competitive field of research. Don’t miss out on this chance to gain a strategic edge and elevate your career to unprecedented levels. Join us and seize the opportunity to make a lasting difference in your research journey.

Benefit the following:

  • Enhance your grant-writing skills;
  •  Improve your qualitative/quantitative analytical skills;
  •  Join an exclusive network of global scholars and researchers with the opportunity to have your profile featured on our website for visibility;
  •  Expand your professional network and gain access to a bulk of exclusive opportunities and grants available within the network, with working templates on grants to win;
  • Get the opportunity to become a premium member of the African Scholars Mentorship Network (ASMN);
  • And lots more

There is an ongoing 15% discount offer for participants registering before January 15, 2024.*

All you need is to simply identify which of the payment structures best fits your choice, register with the sum of and secure your SPOT!


• For Nigerian-based participants: N30,000. REGISTER HERE

• Int’l Participants: 100 USD REGISTER  HERE

• PG Students (with Evidence) & ASMN Members (with Evidence): N20,000 REGISTER HERE

Note: In case you encounter challenges on the online payment platform, please send your Registration Amount to Account Details below. After that, email your payment evidence, Name, Email, and Phone number to Programs.DIaDeRC@gmail.com  and copy DIaDeRC.centre@gmail.com

Account Number: 1026165618; Account Name: Institutions and Development Research Centre (DIaDeRC); Bank: United Bank for Africa (UBA) PLC 

For international Participants: Account Number: 3004075577; Account Name: Institutions and Development Research Centre (DIaDeRC);  United Bank for Africa (UBA) PLC; BIC/Sort code: UNAFNGLA; SORT CODE: 033173616

PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: There are various opportunities for institutions and organisations that want to expand their reach and make more impacts on society. Our partnership categories are as follows:

  • Platinum: N1,000,000 and above: Partners in this category will have their logos inscribed on the event website, banner as well as on the programme cover page and will have a stand to display their products/services. They will also have 5 of their staff register for FREE.
  • GoldN500,000 to N999,000: Partners in this category will have their logos inscribed on the event website, banner as well as on the programme inside page and will have a stand to display their products/services. They will also have 3 of their staff register for FREE.
  • Silver: N300,000 to N499,000: Partners in this category will have their logos inscribed on the event website, banner as well as on the programme inner page and will have a stand to display their products/services. They will also have 2 of their staff register for FREE.
  • Bronze: N200,000: Partners in this category will have their logos inscribed on the event website and banner.

Payment Details: Account Number: 1026165618; Name: DEPECOS Institutions and Development Research Centre (DIaDeRC); Bank: United Bank for Africa (UBA) PLC


call:  +2348148069096 (Dr Yinka Adediran);  +2348033303914 (Dr Adefunke Ekine); +234 8131691290 (Ms Happiness Obi);  +2348032335789 (Dr Solomon Okunade)

Email: Programs.DIaDeRC@gmail.com; adediranyo@tasued.edu.ng;  DIaDeRC.Centre@gmail.com

www.diaderc.org; http://bit.ly/DIaDeRC-TASUED

How to Get to the Venue (TASUED Campus, Ijagun, Near Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State)

i) From Benin Axis (East)
Any vehicle going to Lagos from the east should pass through Ijebu Ode. Tell the driver to stop them by the gate of TASUED (Tai Solarin University of Education). The Bill Board and Main Gate is on the main road. Just cross over to the gate where there are security personnel. The gate is after the turning to Epe by the flyover. The school is on Benin-Sagamu Express Road.

ii From Ibadan or Abeokuta Axis
Get to Ijebu Ode at the park and ask for buses going to TASUED. It is a few minutes drive from Ijebu-Ode.

iii) From Lagos Axis
From Lagos, instead of turning into Ijebu-Ode from the express by the flyover, you should just drive as if going to Benin Ore Road. TASUED Signboard is on the major road about 5 minutes drive from the Ijebu-Ode flyover.

For more information on the workshop please check the highlights of the Concept Note below


Overview and Objectives of the Workshop

The workshop seeks to address a recurring question that often troubles the minds of African scholars and researchers based in Africa: “How can I lead a fulfilling scholarly life in my context?” This workshop is designed to not only address this question but to expand upon and leverage the recent experiences gleaned from the African Scholars Mentorship Network (ASMN), anchored by the DePECOS Institutions and Development Research Centre (DIaDeRC), which is driven by the mission of “Honing Knowledge for Transforming Lives”. Moreover, it stands in collaboration with TASUED which shares a similar vision and mission.

It is interesting to note that the Workshop is anticipated as the next phase of DIaDeRC’s ASMN, which is currently run as a virtual boot camp that trained over 250 participants in Series 1.0 (May-July, 2023) and Series 2.0 with over 380 participants (September-November, 2023). At its core, this workshop bears the noble ambition of contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG-4 (Quality Education), SDG-5 (Gender Equality), SDG-8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG-9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), SDG-10(Reduced Inequalities, including within the realm of research), and SDG-17 (Partnerships and collaborative Action). Additionally, it aligns with the aspirations of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 through its unwavering commitment to research pursuits. The development of a new way to enhance the possibility for an effective and impactful research practice that is void of marginalisation and the conspicuous support of the concerned stakeholders, across the African continent.

A key focus of the workshop is to equip the participants with indispensable skills and knowledge that are pivotal in the journey of securing research grants and fostering effective collaborations among scholars. The overarching aim is to furnish attendees with strategies tailored to the development of competitive grant proposals that harmonise with their research passions and career objectives. This transformative experience is geared towards empowering research practitioners, postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and early career scholars. It is aimed to empower them with advanced tools and techniques to craft grant proposals and written materials, such as journal article publications, that seize attention. This, in turn, facilitates the translation of research outcomes into language that resonates with corporate entities and policy frameworks, thereby informing the trajectory of research income generation.

By immersing participants in comprehensive training, the workshop delves into the intricacies associated with the process of cultivating research grant proposals and disseminating research findings. This multifaceted approach empowers scholars and researchers to make substantive contributions to the global knowledge value chain. Furthermore, the workshop places a spotlight on the pivotal role of establishing a distinctive personal research track record, nurturing networks, and fostering collaborative partnerships. These elements not only pave the way for career progression but also amplify opportunities for the mutual exchange of knowledge.

In summary, this workshop represents a beacon of opportunity for African scholars and researchers, addressing their unique context-specific concerns. By imparting vital skills, fostering collaborative works, and instilling a sense of purpose, this event stands as a catalyst for meaningful change within the scholarly landscape of Africa.

Indicative Workshop Content

Apart from the Opening Session with the Policy-makers, the content of the workshop is summarised briefly herein:

Insights On Data Analyses (Quantitative and Qualitative): Discussions on how to engage quantitative and qualitative data to attain the objective of the research would be had in the workshop

Grant Writing Essentials:  Participants are to be introduced to the fundamentals of grant writing, including understanding the grant application process, identifying suitable funding opportunities, and writing persuasive proposals.

Grant-Winning Strategies: The workshops will delve into strategies for increasing the chances of winning grants. This may include tips for proposal structuring, crafting compelling narratives, and addressing reviewers’ expectations.

Finding Funding Opportunities: Participants will learn how to identify and assess potential funding sources, international, governmental and non-governmental, that align with their research interests.

Grant Budgeting and Project Plan: Practical aspects of grant proposals, such as budgeting, project planning, and timeline development, will be covered.

Scholarly publishing, Peer Review and Feedback: Participants may engage in activities simulating the peer review process, helping them understand how proposals are evaluated and how to address reviewer feedback.

Networking and Collaboration for Career Development: This workshop will include practical insights on building a rewarding scholarly career.

Ethical Considerations: Discussions about research ethics and integrity will be included, emphasising the importance of conducting ethical research and adhering to ethical standards in grant proposals.

Others include: research communication for policy and industry relevance.


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