
Course Overview
Admission Requirements

Below are the list of Programmes Under Yoruba Language

  • Yoruba Education

Contact Us: hodyoruba@tasued.edu.ng

Course List

S/N Course Code Course Title
1 YOR111 Introduction to phonetics
2 YOR111 Introduction to phonetics
3 YOR112 Introduction to phonology
4 YOR112 Introduction to Phonology
5 YOR113 Advanced composition and comprehension
6 YOR113 Introduction to Yoruba Oral Literature 1
7 YOR114 Introduction to Yoruba oral literature I
8 YOR114 Development of Yoruba Drama
9 YOR115 Development of Yoruba Drama
10 YOR115 Yoruba Orthography
11 YOR116 Introduction to the study of language
12 YOR117 Survey of the Literature in Yoruba
13 YOR118 Introduction to the Yoruba people and Language
14 YOR119 Introduction to the Yoruba customs and institutions.
15 YOR121 Introduction to the History of Yoruba people
16 YOR121 Introduction to the History of Yoruba People
17 YOR122 Yoruba Grammar
18 YOR122 Introduction to Morphology
19 YOR123 Introduction to Morphology
20 YOR123 Development of Yoruba People
21 YOR124 Development of Yoruba poetry
22 YOR124 Introduction to Yoruba Traditional Music
23 YOR125 Introduction to Yoruba traditional Music
24 YOR126 Introduction to Yoruba Socio- Linguistics
25 YOR127 Constructive study of Yoruba and a foreign culture.
26 YOR128 Prose narratives
27 YOR211 Use of Yoruba
28 YOR211 Use of Yoruba
29 YOR212 Yoruba Syntax I
30 YOR212 Yoruba Syntax I
31 YOR213 Introduction to Yoruba Films
32 YOR213 Introduction to Yoruba Films
33 YOR214 Yoruba Morphology
34 YOR214 Ifa Priesthood and System of Divination
35 YOR215 Literature and Society
36 YOR215 Literature and Society
37 YOR216 Introduction to Yoruba oral literature II
38 YOR217 Priest and systems of divination
39 YOR218 Yoruba Authors before D.O. Fagunwa
40 YOR221 Yoruba Phonology
41 YOR221 Yoruba Phonology
42 YOR222 Methods of Teaching Yoruba I
43 YOR222 Methods of Teaching Yoruba I
44 YOR223 Yoruba Drama
45 YOR223 Yoruba Drama
46 YOR224 Traditional Music of Yoruba People
47 YOR224 Yoruba Folktales
48 YOR225 Fundamentals of Communications
49 YOR225 Varieties of Prose in Yoruba
50 YOR226 Yoruba folktales
51 YOR227 Functional Yoruba in print and Broadcast media
52 YOR228 Varieties of prose in Yoruba
53 YOR311 Yoruba Syntax II
54 YOR311 Translation
55 YOR312 Yoruba Stylistics
56 YOR312 Literary Criticism I
57 YOR313 Literary Critisms
58 YOR313 The Novels of D.O. Fagunwa
59 YOR314 The Novels of D.O Fagunwa
60 YOR314 News Editing for Print and Broadcast Media in Yoruba
61 YOR315 News Editing for print and Broadcast media in Yoruba
62 YOR315 Yoruba Social Institution and Material Culture
63 YOR316 Museum studies and creative oral performance
64 YOR316 Varieties of Poetry in Yoruba
65 YOR317 Practice in Yoruba Translation
66 YOR317 Issues of Gender in Yoruba
67 YOR318 Varieties of poetry in Yoruba Language
68 YOR319 Yoruba social institution and Material Culture
69 YOR320 Yoruba Localized Poetry
70 YOR321 Post Fagunwa Novel I
71 YOR321 Post-Fagunwa Novels
72 YOR322 Literary Criticisms II
73 YOR322 Literary Criticisms II
74 YOR323 Teaching methods of Yoruba II
75 YOR323 Teaching Method in Yoruba II
76 YOR324 Stylistics II
77 YOR324 Stylistics II
78 YOR325 Research methods in Yoruba
79 YOR325 Research Methods in Yoruba
80 YOR326 Grammar of Yoruba language from the earliest to the present.
81 YOR326 Grammar of Yoruba Language from the earliest to the present
82 YOR327 Yoruba localized poetry
83 YOR327 Yoruba Localized Poetry
84 YOR328 Thought and beliefs of Yoruba people
85 YOR328 Thoughts and Beliefs of Yoruba People
86 YOR329 Further, issues in the study of Yoruba Oral Literature.
87 YOR421 Contemporary Yoruba Written Poetry
88 YOR421 Contemporary Yoruba Written Poetry
89 YOR422 Yoruba Dialectology
90 YOR422 Contemporary Yoruba Prose Writing
91 YOR423 Contemporary Yoruba prose writing
92 YOR423 Topics in the Structure of Yoruba
93 YOR424 Topics in the structure of Yoruba
94 YOR424 Detective Novels
95 YOR425 Post Fagunwa Novels II
96 YOR425 The Ifa Literary Corpus
97 YOR426 The Ifa Literary Corpus
98 YOR426 Creative Writing in Yoruba
99 YOR427 Creative writing
100 YOR427 Yoruba Dialectology
101 YOR428 Detective Novels in Yoruba
102 YOR429 Project
103 YOR429 Project


Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language and two other Arts or social science subjects.


At least two ‘A’ level passes/NCE Merit pass in Yoruba and any other subject in Arts and Social Science subjects or the equivalent of ‘A’ level Diploma certificate in Yoruba.


Any three subjects from Arts/Social Science.



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