VC’s Welcome Address


I welcome you to the Nation’s Premier and Preferred University of Education: Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Ogun State, South-West Nigeria. Our unique selling proposition, which distinguishes our University from others, is formula 1-2-8 (1st in Nigeria, 2nd in Africa, and 8th in the World) and the first and only University in the country established on solid principles and a platform that characterized the life of Dr. Tai Solarin, the man after whom the University is named.

Like the late Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” This is why the vision of the University “is to be the preferred Education University, which will excel in preparing educators who will be leaders in all spheres of the discipline.”

I, therefore, have no doubt in my mind that this University, for which several people have been vehicles and catalysts for its development, has been competing favorably with other renowned universities all over the world. TASUED has equally become a global reference point for the ongoing quest in rebranding the education sector in Nigeria.

As the Vice-Chancellor of TASUED, the synopsis of my vision is to build a world-class University with products that have global acceptability; be a leader in cutting-edge research with prolific researchers publishing in ‘A-list’ Journals; to make the University a center of excellence in knowledge production and dissemination and a reference point for best practices; to build an institution characterized by peace, with good University governance as well as positive and productive interactions between the town and gown, among others.

Our commitment is to bring knowledge to our communities and open the minds of our youths to boundless opportunities. Hence, the University, over the years, has been noted for producing graduates who have always excelled in all fields of human endeavours. This is because we understand that within the context of University education, quality permeates every aspect of the University, including teaching, learning, academic programs, research, scholarship, academic and non-academic staff, physical structures, facilities, equipment, community services, and, above all, a conducive working environment, among others.

We have also put in place a number of internal control measures to ensure that everything we do continues to enjoy a very high standard. It is, therefore, not surprising that all the academic programmes of the University have been accredited by the National Universities Commission (NUC).

Another unique quality of this citadel of knowledge is the Vocational Training for our undergraduates. This is to relieve them of the burden of unemployment and make them self-sustaining by being employers of labour. This programme, which includes Fashion Design, Woodwork, Fruit Juice, Fish Farming, Poultry Production, among others, being anchored by the Centre for Vocational and Entrepreneurial Studies, (CENVOS) is meant to address the challenges posed by the present realities of the nation’s labour market.

Students are expected to take advantage of this opportunity to equip themselves with a vocational certificate, apart from the Degree which they would earn at the end of their programme.

We, at TASUED, believe every great idea starts in the mind… We help make dreams come true. This is the main thrust of our vision, mission, and philosophy.

TASUED… the Nation’s Premier and Preferred University of Education of the 21st Century!!!

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