
Sport Council

The Sport Council was inaugurated at the inception of the University. It’s been headed by Oliyide Olusina an Exercise Physiologist. Presently Acting Director of Sports Foluso Onagoruwa is a Sport Psychologist who had first and second degree in Physical Education.

Students' Affairs

The Students’ Affairs Division of the University is in charge of all students’ matters including Students’ Welfare, Discipline, Students Union Activities, Club and Association’s Activities, Bursaries and Scholarship Awards, Orientations, Managing University and Student Union Hostels…

Senate Affairs

Membership of Senate

  1. Vice Chancellor   –   Chairman
  2. Deputy – Vice Chancellor
  3. University Librarian
  4. Provost of the Postgraduate College
  5. Deans of Colleges and Students’ Affairs….

Exams and Records

Examinations and Records Unit is one of the Registry arms of the University and a section of the Academic Affairs Division. The Unit is saddled with the under listed functions:


The Security unit is directly under the Vice Chancellor’s office. It is saddled with the responsibility of maintaining peace and security within the University.


The University has a Transport Unit to cater for social and welfare services of its staff and students. The Unit is involved in Private Public Partnership

Passage and Protocol

The Protocol and Passages unit is saddled with the responsibility of handling the University’s ceremonies, events and guests’ hospitality.

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