TASUED Library

Historical Background

The TASUED University Library is an offshoot of Tai Solarin College of Education Library which took off in 1978.

The University Library also known as Otunba Gbenga Daniel Library was established to facilitate learning, teaching and research. The vision of the library is to be a “world class” educational resource centre, which will provide adequate and current information, in print and non-prints, electronic formats, in support of teaching, learning and research with personnel capable of adapting to new trends in information packaging and delivery. Objectives

The objective of the University Library is to be a world-class educational resource centre Which will provide adequate and current information sources both in print and electronic formats to supports and enhance teaching, learning and research needs of the University community.


The mission is to provide effective and efficient information services that will facilitate academic and research work of staff and students, by harnessing and maximizing direct library activities

Operations of the Library

The University Library is divided into sections for administrative purpose. They are, the University Librarian’s Office, which services as the coordinating office of the Library, and it is headed by the University Librarian. The Readers’ Services Section, made up of the Circulation and Reference units; the Serials Section; Acquisitions Section and the Technical Services Section. The sections perform different professional roles and are headed by qualified professional Librarians with support staff.


– Library orientation was given to students.
– Relevant issues in information technology were taught during the year under review.
– Reference and information services. These include answering general and specific reference
questions, selective dissemination of information, current awareness services, reference
services, compilation of bibliographic and reading list and circulate of journal content pages.
– Lending Services: The library lent books to students, faculty staff and non teaching staff of the
– The library also served other academic and researchers referred to the Library by other librarians
and organizations.
– Reprographic Services: The library provided photocopy and binary services to staff and students
of the University at a subsidized rate.
– E- library Services: The library was connected to the internet and information is available
through databases subscription by the University and some other free databases

Lending Policy

The Library loans out books to registered staff and students of the University. Members Of staff can loan four (4) titles for two (2) weeks, while students are eligible to loan two (2) Titles for one (1) week. Only one renewal is permitted.

Opening Hours

The Library is open to users from:
Monday – Friday – 8.00 am. – 7.00 pm
Saturdays – 9.00 am. – 2.00 pm

The University Library also known as Otunba Gbenga Daniel Library was established to facilitate learning, teaching and research. The vision of the library is to be a “world class” educational resource centre, which will provide adequate and current information, in print and non-prints, electronic formats, in support of teaching, learning and research with personnel capable of adapting to new trends in information packaging and delivery.

The functions and responsibilities of Gbenga Daniel library are to:
(a). provide efficient library and information services (Lending, Reference, E-library, Current Awareness) to the University community.

(b). provide information resources in support of teaching and learning activities of the University.

(c) provide information materials for research and intellectual purpose since conversion of the Library from College to University library.

(d) provide information resources for postgraduate students.


  • Library orientation was given to students.
  • Relevant issues in information technology were taught during the year under review.
  • Reference and information services. These include answering general and specific reference
    questions, selective dissemination of information, current awareness services, reference services, compilation of bibliographic and reading list and circulate of journal content pages.
  • Lending Services: The library lent books to students, faculty staff and non teaching staff of the University.
  • The library also served other academic and researchers referred to the Library by other librarians and organizations.
  • Reprographic Services: The library provided photocopy and binary services to staff and students of the University at a subsidized rate.
  • E- library Services: The library was connected to the internet and information is available through databases subscription by the University and some other free databases
  • ngopibet
  • rejekibet rp8888 rejekibet cv777 rr777 watitoto rr777 898a rejekibet raja111