he management received reports of a bloody clash between some unknown people suspected to be Cultists and the Imaweje community leading to the death of a 300 level student of the University and the burning down of the Palace of the Baale of Imaweje.

The Vice Chancellor has in view of the present situation asked the Security agents to move in to arrest the situation, maintain law and order and prevent further loss of life and property

The Management has also considered the need to closedown the University immediately to forestall reprisal attacks and prevent further breakdown of law and order in the communities of Ijagun, Abapawa ,Ijele and Imaweje

The Management has therefore announced closure of the University for two weeks

An emergency meeting of the Senate is being called for Tuesday, 30th May, 2023 to review the situation and take further necessary actions

The Vice Chancellor is therefore using this medium to inform members of the Senate of the situation and calling for your understanding of his action on behalf of the Senate

Dapo Oke
Registrar and Secretary to Council and Senate

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