Sociological Studies

Course Overview
Admission Requirements

Industrial and Labour Relations is one of the courses recently designed in Universities all over the world so that they can remain relevant to their communities because of their active research, community services, and teaching of courses to meet emerging needs of such communities. The course is designed to open and develop the mind of students, and impact both theoretical and professional knowledge of industry and labour in general. It will also improve on the management techniques of industries in the community. Follow the link bellow to see the courses under this department. The course is aimed at;

  1. preparing students for career in the specialized area of the profession;
  2. producing students with sound undergraduate background for post -graduate studies in the discipline;
  3. producing high-level manpower which will perform the functions in our industry at the management level;
  4. projecting further the image of Nigerian industry and labour in the area of management and to enhance the relevance of Tai Solarin University to her immediate environment in particular and the Nigerian economy in general;improving personnel policy and budgetary control in companies;
  5. improving relationship between employers and employees;examining trade unionism and their policy;
  6. equipping the graduates with professional knowledge as teachers in Industrial and Labour matters.

Below are the list of Programmes Under Sociological Studies

  • Sociology
  • Social Work and Community Development
  • Social Studies
  • Industrial and Labour Relations
  • Mass Communication

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Course List

S/N Course Code Course Title
1 CSM211 Culture And Environment
2 CSM211 Culture And Environment
3 SOC111 Introduction to Sociology
4 SOC112 Introduction to Psychology
5 SOC113 Introductions to Population Studies
6 SOC114 African Social Institutions
7 SOC115 Culture and Socialisation
8 SOC116 Personality and Motivation
9 SOC121 Social Structure in Contemporary Africa
10 SOC122 Introduction to Anthropology
11 SOC123 Nigeria Heritage
12 SOC124 Sociology of Family
13 SOC125 Structure of the Nigeria Society
14 SOC126 Labour Law
15 SOC211 Principles of Sociology
16 SOC212 Introduction to Descriptive Statistics
17 SOC213 Elements of Social Change
18 SOC214 Social Psychology
19 SOC215 Sociology of Mass Communication
20 SOC216 Sociology of Work and Occupations
21 SOC217 Gender and Society
22 SOC221 History & Development of Socials Thought
23 SOC222 Elementary Analysis of Social System
24 SOC223 Sociology of Education
25 SOC224 Inter Group Relations
26 SOC225 Contemporary Social problems
27 SOC226 Complex Organisation
28 SOC311 Methods for Social Research
31 SOC314 Urban Sociology
32 SOC315 Sociology of the Aged
33 SOC316 Contemporary African Thought
34 SOC317 Political Sociology
35 SOC318 Economy and Society
36 SOC319 Urbanisation & Labour Migration
37 SOC321 Patriotism
38 SOC322 Research Method In Social Studies
39 SOC323 Research Project Practicum in Sociology
40 SOC324 Group Dynamics
41 SOC325 Rural Sociology
42 SOC326 Sociology of Health & illness Behaviour
43 SOC327 Sociology of Religion
44 SOC328 Industrial Sociology
45 SOC329 Globalization and the Third World
52 SOC427 Military Sociology
53 SOC428 Medical Sociology
54 SOC429 Sociology of Deviant Behaviour
56 SOS111 Principle and Concept of Social Studies
57 SOS111 Principle and Concept of Social Studies
58 SOS112 Introduction to Culture and Socialization
59 SOS112 Introduction to Culture and Social Environment
60 SOS113 The Social Environment
61 SOS113 Citizenship/ Civics Education
62 SOS114 Citizenship/Civics Education
63 SOS114 Teaching Social Studies in Primary Schools
64 SOS115 Teaching Social Studies in Primary Schools
65 SOS115 Moral and Character Education
66 SOS116 Moral and character education
67 SOS121 The Sociology of the Family
68 SOS121 The Sociology of the Family
69 SOS122 Problems of human organization
70 SOS122 The physical Environment/Local and Regional Environment
71 SOS123 The Physical Environment
72 SOS123 Nigerian Socio-Economic Environment and Financial Institutions
73 SOS124 Nigeria Socio-Economic Environment and Financial Institutions
74 SOS124 Teaching Social Studies in junior Secondary Schools
75 SOS125 Teaching social studies in junior secondary schools
76 SOS126 Local and Regional Geography
77 SOS211 Problems of Leadership and Followership
78 SOS211 Problems of Leadership and Followership/Human organisations
79 SOS212 Basic Statistics in Social Studies
80 SOS212 Basic Statistics in Social Studies
81 SOS213 Computer Application in Social Studies
82 SOS213 Computer Application in Social Studies
83 SOS214 Socio-Political Institution in Nigeria
84 SOS214 Multi-Cultural Education
85 SOS215 Multi-Cultural Education
86 SOS215 Women and Gender Studies
87 SOS216 Women and Gender studies
88 SOS221 International relations and multi-dimensional interaction
89 SOS221 Social Studies Education and Pattern of Nation Building
90 SOS222 Law, Crime & Human being in the Society
91 SOS222 Social Studies Workshop
92 SOS223 Social Studies Education and Pattern of Nation Building
93 SOS223 Organisation and Management of Social Studies Classroom
94 SOS224 Social Studies Workshop
95 SOS224 Problems of Ethics and Values Education
96 SOS225 Organization and management of social studies classroom
97 SOS225 Socio-Political Institutions in Nigeria
98 SOS226 Problems of Ethics and Values education
99 SOS227 Problem – solving Skills
100 SOS311 Methods of Teaching Social Studies
101 SOS311 Methods of Teaching Social Studies
102 SOS312 Nigerian People and Culture
103 SOS312 Nigeria People and Culture
104 SOS313 Human Rights and Civic Education
105 SOS313 Human Rights and Civic Education
106 SOS314 Economic Activities of Human Being
107 SOS314 Economic Activities of Human being
108 SOS315 Environmental Education
109 SOS315 Environmental Education
110 SOS316 Science and Technology
111 SOS316 Field -Trip/ Seminar
112 SOS317 Human Being on Earth
113 SOS317 Public and Social Relations Methods and Strategies
114 SOS318 Field Trip / Seminar
115 SOS319 Public and social relations methods and strategies
116 SOS321 Civic Education, Nationalism and Patritism in Nigeria
117 SOS321 Civic Education, Nationalism and Patriotism in Nigeria
118 SOS322 Social Studies Research Method
119 SOS322 Social Studies Research Method
120 SOS323 Civic Education, Government, Ethics and National Identity
121 SOS323 Civic Education, Government, Ethics and National Identity
122 SOS324 Constitutional development in Nigeria
123 SOS324 Theories and Structure of Nation Building
124 SOS325 Theories and structure of Nation Building
125 SOS325 Rural Development
126 SOS326 Rural Development
127 SOS326 Population/HIV/AIDs Education
128 SOS327 Mass media and society
129 SOS327 Population/HIV/AIDs Education
130 SOS328 Population/HIV/AIDs Education
131 SOS421 Social Studies Curriculum Planning Development in Nigeria
132 SOS421 Social Studies Curriculum Planning and Development
133 SOS422 Social Issue and Problems in Nigeria
134 SOS422 Contemporary Public Issues
135 SOS423 Religion and Society
136 SOS423 Religion and Society
137 SOS424 Public Administration
138 SOS424 Public Administration
139 SOS425 Security problems and administration in Nigeria
140 SOS425 Security Problems and Administration in Nigeria
141 SOS426 Modern Social Problems
142 SOS426 Sex Education
143 SOS427 Sex Education
144 SOS427 Human being on Earth
145 SOS428 Science and Technology in Society
146 SOS429 Final Year Project
147 SOS429 Project


Five (5) ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six (6) ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English, Mathematics and Social Science/Arts/ Commercial Subject.


(i) Two ‘A’ level/NCE (Merit) in Economics, Government/Political Science, Religious Studies, History, Geography and Social Studies.
(ii) National Diploma (OND) (Upper Credit) relevant and recognized University Diploma (Upper Credit). TASUED Degree Foundation may be accepted. Bachelor Degree holders in History, Geography, Economics, Political Science, Public Administration, Business Administration, international Relations, Mass Communication and any other related discipline.
(iii) OND/HND with Upper Credit in Public Administration, local Government Administration.


Any Social Science/Arts/Commercial and any other subjects.

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