Political Science

Course Overview
Admission Requirements

The former approach to the study of Political Science was largely legalistic, traditional and historical hence the justification for the title Government. The contemporary approach to the study, particularly in the higher institution, centres on empiricism, systems approach, the study of political actors, the environment of political system etc. The emphasis is now on systemization of political data and analysis. The new approach justifies the use of the title Political Science. As a teaching subject its philosophy is based on the fact that knowledge of Political Science is an indispensable factor for the realization of a democratic/stable and enduring political system. It is a useful instrument for citizenship as well as for changing negative socio-political values, attitudes and norms. The study of Political Science promotes international understanding and co-operation, mutual assistance, the values of Pan-Africanism and African nationalism. Follow the link bellow to see all the courses in the department The Option is designed to equip the students with the skills, knowledge and methodology needed for effective teaching of Government in secondary schools. The primary objectives of the programme are to:produce proficient teachers of Government who possess sound knowledge of Political Science; produce inspiring teachers of the subject who not only possess confidence, skills and techniques necessary for the teaching of the subject but also possess the proper values and attitudes to Political Science as a discipline; inculcate in the students , the necessary values, skills and techniques for effective and moral leadership; produce the necessary training in citizenship and broaden the students sense and scope of participation in community as well as in national affairs; produce teachers who can foster the growth of international co-operation, co-existence and mutual assistance; and produce teachers who can inspire and inculcate in the students, the values and attitudes of Pan- Africanism, nationalism and African brotherhood.

Below are the list of Programmes Under Political Science

  • Political Science

Contact Us: hodpoliticalscience@tasued.edu.ng


Course List

S/N Course Code Course Title
1 GNS213 Nigerian Culture & Citizenship Education
2 GNS213 Nigerian Culture & Citizenship Education
3 POL111 Introduction to Politics I
4 POL111 Introduction to Politics I
5 POL112 Nigerian Government and Politics (1960-Date)
6 POL112 Nigerian Government & Politics (1960 ? date)
7 POL113 Politics and Law in Africa
8 POL113 Politics and Law in Africa
9 POL114 Theory of the State
10 POL114 Theory of the State
11 POL115 Leadership and Change
12 POL115 Leadership and Change
13 POL121 Introduction to Politics II
14 POL121 Introduction to Politics II
15 POL122 Constitutional Development in Nigeria
16 POL122 Constitutional Development in Nigeria
17 POL123 Africa under Colonial Rule
18 POL123 Africa Under Colonial Rule
19 POL124 Constitutional Development in West Africa
20 POL124 Constitutional Development in West Africa
21 POL125 Theory and Practice of Human Rights
22 POL125 Theory and Practice of Human Rights
23 POL126 Introduction to Political Analysis
24 POL126 Introduction to Political Analysis
25 POL211 Methodology of Political Science
26 POL211 Methodology of Political Science
27 POL212 Political Thought (Classical to Medieval Age)
28 POL212 Political Thought (Classical to Medieval Age)
29 POL213 Introduction to Local Government
30 POL213 Introduction to Local Government
31 POL214 Civil- Military Relations
32 POL214 Civic Education
33 POL215 Structures and Organisation of Government
34 POL215 Structures and Organisation of Government
35 POL216 Politics of Race, Ethnicity and Gender
36 POL216 Politics of Race, Ethnicity and Gender
37 POL217 National Security Issues
38 POL217 National Security Issues
39 POL221 Introduction to International Relations
40 POL221 Introduction to International Relations
41 POL222 Introduction to Public Administration
42 POL222 Introduction to Public Administration
43 POL223 Politics of Development and Underdevelopment
44 POL223 Politics of Development and Underdevelopment
45 POL224 Politics in Africa
46 POL224 Politics in Africa
47 POL225 Foreign Policies of Great Powers
49 POL226 Politics and Media in Nigeria
50 POL226 Politics and Media in Nigeria
51 POL311 Research Methods in Political Science
52 POL311 Research Methods in Political Science
53 POL312 Comparative Government and Politics
54 POL312 Comparative Government and Politics
55 POL313 Foreign Policy Analysis
56 POL313 Foreign Policy Analysis
57 POL314 Political Behaviour
58 POL314 Political Behaviour
59 POL315 Political Parties and Pressure Groups
60 POL315 Political Parties and Pressure Groups
61 POL316 Contemporary Political Analysis
62 POL316 Contemporary Political Analysis
63 POL317 Nigerian Foreign Policy I
64 POL317 Nigerian Foreign Policy I
65 POL318 Non-Governmental Organisations in the Global Context
66 POL318 Non-Governmental Organisation in the Global Context
67 POL321 Political Thought (Modern Age)
68 POL321 Political Thought (Modern Age)
69 POL322 Administrative Law and Processes
70 POL322 Administrative Law and Processes
71 POL323 Public Policy Analysis
72 POL323 Public Policy Analysis
73 POL324 Peace and Conflict Studies
74 POL324 Peace and Conflicts Studies
75 POL325 Principles of International Law
76 POL325 Principles of International Law
77 POL326 Globalisation and Development
78 POL326 Globalisation and Development
79 POL327 Local Government in Nigeria
80 POL327 Local Government in Nigeria
81 POL328 Comparative Public Administration
82 POL328 Comparative Public Administration
83 POL329 Government and Technology
84 POL329 Government and Technology
85 POL421 African Political Thought
86 POL421 African Political Thought
87 POL422 Foundations of Political Economy
88 POL422 Foundations of Political Economy
89 POL423 Public Administration in Nigeria
90 POL423 Public Administration in Nigeria
91 POL424 International Institutions
92 POL424 International Institutions
93 POL425 Marxism
94 POL425 Marxism
95 POL426 Budgetary Process
96 POL426 Budgetary Process
97 POL427 Nigerian Foreign Policy II
98 POL427 Nigerian Foreign Policy II
99 POL428 Government and Politics in Nigeria
100 POL428 Government and Politics in Nigeria
102 POL430 State and Economy
103 POL430 Issues in Civic Education in Nigeria


Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings in English, Mathematics, Government or History, and three/four other subjects.


Three ‘A’ level passes/NCE Credit/Merit to include Government or History.
*OND/HND with Upper Credit in Public Administration or Local Government.


Government or History, Economics plus any other Social Science/Arts subjects.


Any two ‘A’ level passes in relevant subjects.

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