
Course Overview
Admission Requirements

PHILOSOPHY Mathematics have a wide range of applications in Science, Engineering, Medicine, Technology and the Social Sciences. Mathematics, in particular helps in mental and intellectual development of the individuals.The philosophy of Mathematics Programme is therefore inspired by the need to assist students to be proficient in Mathematics and  be able to apply concepts and laws effectively in many areas where necessary.The curricula for Mathematics have been carefully planned to expose students to various aspects of Mathematics and also to allow students to specialize according to their aptitudes in pure Mathematics .

Below are the list of Programme Under Physics

  • Physics

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Course List

S/N Course Code Course Title
1 GNS121 History & Philosophy of Science
2 GNS121 History & Philosophy of Science
3 PHY111 Basic Principles of Physics 1(Mechanics and Properties of matter, Heat and Thermodynamics)
4 PHY111 Basic Principles of Physics 1(Mechanics and Properties of matter)
5 PHY112 Practical Physics 11
6 PHY112 Heat and Thermodynamics
7 PHY121 Basic Principles of Physics 11 (Wave and Geometric Optics)
8 PHY121 Basic Principles of Physics II (Optics, Electricity & Magnetism)
9 PHY122 Basic Principles of Physics IV(Electricity and Magnetism)
10 PHY122 Basic Principles of Physics III ( Waves, Fluid Mechanics, Properties of matter)
12 PHY123 Experimental Physics I
13 PHY206 Experimental Physics II
14 PHY211 Classical Mechanics 1
15 PHY211 Classical Mechanics I
16 PHY212 Optics, Waves& Vibration
17 PHY212 Optics, Waves & Vibrations
18 PHY213 Electromagnetism 1
19 PHY213 Electromagnetism I
20 PHY214 Physics Methodology 1
21 PHY214 Physics methodology I
22 PHY215 Experimental Physics 1
23 PHY215 Electronics
24 PHY216 Semi-Conductor Devices
25 PHY217 Electric Circuit
26 PHY221 Elementary of modern Physics
27 PHY221 Introduction to Modern Physics
28 PHY222 Thermodynamics
29 PHY222 Thermodynamics
30 PHY223 Concept of Energy
31 PHY223 Mathematical Methods for Physics I
32 PHY224 Classical mechanics 11(Pre PHY 211)
33 PHY224 Classical Mechanics II (Pre PHY 211)
34 PHY225 Experimental Physics 11
35 PHY225 Experimental Physics 11
36 PHY226 Research Methodology in Physics
37 PHY307 Experimental Physics
38 PHY311 Nuclear Physics
39 PHY311 Nuclear Physics
40 PHY312 Mathematical Method for Physics
41 PHY312 Mathematical Method for Physics II
42 PHY313 Solid Earth Physics
43 PHY313 Solid State Physics
44 PHY314 Physics Methodology 11
45 PHY314 Physics Methodology II
46 PHY315 Statistical Physics
47 PHY315 Statistical Physics
48 PHY316 Acoustics
49 PHY316 Acoustics
50 PHY317 Experimental Physics
51 PHY318 Seminars
52 PHY318 Seminar
53 PHY321 Quantum Mechanics 1
54 PHY321 Quantum Mechanics I
55 PHY322 Electronics 11
56 PHY322 Electronics II
57 PHY323 Numerical Computations in Physics
58 PHY323 Numerical Computation in Physics
59 PHY324 Electromagnetism 11 (Pre. PHY 213)
60 PHY324 Electromagnetism II
61 PHY325 Workshop Practice
62 PHY325 Workshop Practice
63 PHY326 Experimental Physics
64 PHY326 Radiation and Health Physics
65 PHY327 Solid Earth Physics
66 PHY327 Physics of The Lower Atmosphere
67 PHY328 Acoustics
68 PHY328 Solid Earth Physics
69 PHY329 Physics of Lower Atmosphere
70 PHY409 Experimental Physics
71 PHY420 Practical Physics
72 PHY421 Applied Geophysics
73 PHY421 Applied Geophysics
74 PHY422 Solid State Physics II
75 PHY422 Solid State Physics II
76 PHY423 Electronics communication Theory
77 PHY423 Electronic Communication Theory
78 PHY424 Special Relativity
79 PHY424 Special Relativity
80 PHY425 Microwave Physics
81 PHY425 Microwave Physics
82 PHY426 Quantum Mechanics 11
83 PHY426 Quantum Mechanics II
84 PHY427 Experimental Physics
85 PHY427 Ionospheric & Space Physics
86 PHY428 Ionospheric Physics
87 PHY428 Geomagnetism
88 PHY429 Final Year Project
89 PHY429 Undergraduate Project


Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include

-English Language,
-Physics and any other 2/3 subjects from
Additional (Further) Mathematics, Agricultural Science and Computer Science.


Two ‘A’ level passes in Physics and one of Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. NCE merit in two core subjects including:
-Physics and one of Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology.

*OND/HND with Upper Credit in Physics or Physics with Electronics or Electronics.


Physics, Mathematics / Chemistry plus one (1) other subject from Science.

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