
The Vice Chancellor – Prof. Oluwole Sikiru Banjo FWISON, FASN

Prof. Oluwole Sikiru Banjo is the Vice Chancellor of the University. Prof Banjo has M.Sc in Wildlife Ecotourism and Masters Degree in Personnel Psychology. He has a Ph.D in Wild Life and Ecotourism Management from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Deputy Vice Chancellor – Prof. Adekunle Olanrewaju Adeogun

Prof. Adekunle Olanrewaju Adeogun is the 5th Deputy Vice Chancellor of the University.

Prof. Adeogun, a Professor of Public Health Education, with more than 20 years of lecturing experience attended the Methodist Primary School, Ogbe, Abeokuta and later attended the Macjob School of Commerce, Onikolobo, Abeokuta for his secondary Education.

Registrar – Mr. Oladapo Sunday Oke

Mr. Oladapo Sunday Oke is the current Registrar of the Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun, Ogun State.

Mr. Oke joined the services of the then Tai Solarin College of Education in 1996 as an Administrative Officer before the transformation of the then College of Education to University of Education.


Bursar – Mr. Kabiru Kayode Ogunneye

Mr. Kabiru Kayode Ogunneye, a Deputy Bursar in the Bursary Department of the University has been appointed the University Bursar.
He joined the services of the institution on March 1st, 2006.


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