EduTAMS – Technology-Assisted Education Management System for Schools as a cloud-based standardized education web portal solution for seamless integration of all the key processes in Nigeria Tertiary Schools: Admissions, Registration, Online Payments, Administration, Analytics, E-exam, Result Processing/Transcript, Staff and Students Record Management among others.

Some of the basic benefits the web Portal would provide your institution are:

  • Administrator gains access to real-time data analytics on enrolment, payments, registration and results across institution department to take informed decision among other things.
  • Lecturer would use the platform as complimentary tool to take e-test, result processing, interact and engage the students in learning with internal communication channel.
  • Student would have access to interactive platform to build confidence and participation in class activities, make payment, do their registration and gain access to learning resources at convenience in other to reconnect with the class outside the school hours.
    For more information visit:
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