Distance Learning Institute (DLI)

DLI Overview
Admission Requirements

The justification for the establishment of the university is primarily in meeting the challenges of contemporary university crisis. Firstly, it is generally observed that there was a poor performance of first and second year students in the universities with high proportion of them having several courses to repeat at the end of the first year in the university. This is traceable to poor understanding of those subjects by these fresh students from the high schools and poor delivery of the subjects by the teachers, who themselves do not possess the required skill. This in turn was due in part to quality of teachers produced from several faculties of education from Nigerian universities.

A specialized university of education is expected to redress this trend by ensuring graduate teachers have in-depth knowledge of the subject they are suppose to teach like any other university graduate from other faculties, but at the same time have teaching skills to disseminate the knowledge of subject known. Secondly, though, we have heard of the specialized universities such as University of Agriculture and Technology, but the basis of the basic education foundation in this country, that is the science, method and skills of effective teaching and learning at the primary and secondary schools was never the focus of any government.

Thirdly, Nigerian university curriculum is deficient in producing graduate that could work on their own or provide jobs for others after leaving the university. The major areas of deficiency in the university curriculum are vocational skills and entrepreneurship knowledge. The new university of education is expected to incorporate these in order to turnout graduates that are not only knowledgeable in the subject matter of their disciplines but well rounded with a vocational skill and have entrepreneurship knowledge to make- maximum use of the resources around him or her to be self- dependent on leaving the university.


The need to establish a distance learning programme is contained in the objective of the university strategic plan to float long life education both for the young and the old working class people at their conveniences while upgrading themselves academically and without losing their jobs. This has been in the strategic plan as far back as the establishment of the university in 2005.


To be the preferred leader in the provision of convenient, high quality and accessible distance education for the production of an efficient and effective workforce.


To continuously update content, develop pedagogical skills and competences of the professionals and workforce in line with contemporary and future realities of the Nigerian society with emphasis on lifelong learning and global competitiveness.


To reach out to all, at convenience, by surmounting barriers of accessibility to quality education, for the production of a disciplined, competent, skilled and selfless manpower in all education related disciplines.


  1. To provide opportunities for a convenient, high quality and flexible education to desiring clients.
  2. Create an online platform for accessibility of course materials through blended media format.
  3. To provide a cost-effective alternative mode of education to different categories of potential seekers of higher education who cannot cope with the financial demands of education in a conventional setting.
  4. Offer to learners who are out of formal educational setting, opportunity for upgrading and/ or acquiring new content, knowledge and pedagogical skills within their comfort zones.
  5. To provide for the general public, opportunity for a flexible continuous education as a lifelong activity.
  6. Accelerate the development and production of the teaching workforce at the grassroots.


The DLI shall run full-time and flexible programmes. Candidates shall run the degree programmes in conformity with the NUC approved duration. The classification of certificates and degree shall be as approved by the University Senate. However, a four year face to face programme will also run for four years at the DLI to keep same standard and high quality assurance.


The academic calendar of the Institute shall run from September to August every year. The first semester begins in September and ends in January with the semester examination coming in February, while the second semester activities kick off in March and ends in July. Admission activities will be conducted within the months of August and September.


All degree programmes shall run for four (4) or three (3) years (direct entry) depending on qualifications at the time of entry. The mode of study for all the programmes is by distance through course materials supplemented by tutorials by the University lecturers for physical six contact hours and two weeks physical presence for examinations on the University campus.


Registration is online, students can register online anywhere and get their registration forms approved and duly signed online by the Coordinator of the programme for administrative purposes.

  1. Candidates who got admission are to report to the Institute with their Admission letters, completed JAMB FORM, four coloured passport photographs and original Credentials for screening.
  2. To make payment online with ATM cards through the University website using students Management Information System (MIS) platform.
  3. To submit a copy of the payment receipt together with Registration forms.


The Institute shall conduct main examination at the end of every semester.  Notices will be issued out at appropriate time in addition to general SMS messages.

The admission requirements for Bachelor’s Degree Programme for both UTME and Direct Entry Candidates are as follows:


  1. WAEC/NECO Senior School Certificate (SSC), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O’ Level), or their equivalents with credits in five (5) subjects obtained at one sitting or six (6) credits at not more than two sittings. National Technical Certificate/National Business Certificate (NTC/NBC) is acceptable for Vocational courses only.


  1. Nigeria Certificate in Education (N.C.E.) with at least Merit in 2 core subjects, GCE A’ Level, HND (for some courses) in relevant areas with at least Upper credit, Cambridge (A level) Certificate, Academic Diploma from recognized Universities (for some courses) (in relevant areas) are required in addition to (1) for Direct Entry. Advanced National Technical/Business Certificate (ANTC, ANBC) is acceptable for Vocational courses only.

* A credit in O’ Level English language is required for all courses


  1. A credit in O’Level Mathematics is required for all Sciences, Vocational and Technical and Social Science-based courses.
  2. Credit in Literature in English is required for English Language.
  3. A credit in at least one science subject is required for Mathematics.
  4. Candidates wishing to study Educational Management should have obtained credit in English Language, Mathematics and Economics at the Ordinary Level.
  5. Credits in any two (2) of Geography, Economics, Government, Commerce, Christian Religious Knowledge, Islamic Religious Knowledge, History and Yoruba are acceptable for the study of Social Studies.
  6. Candidates wishing to study Counselling Psychology with teaching subject options in science and social sciences must have credit in Mathematics.


The following courses are available in the Distance Learning Institute:

College of Vocational and Technology Education

  1. Sc. (Ed) Business Education
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