Creative Arts

Course Overview
Admission Requirements

The Philosophy of B.A. (Ed.) Fine & Applied Art Option is tied with the national philosophy on Art  for self-reliance based on the provision of qualitative and morally – sound teachers endowed with a balanced approach between principles and practice of Arts for academic and professional ends. The Objectives of the option are to:

  1.  prepare graduates with the right attitude to and knowledge/professional competence in practical Arts;
  2. train teachers who will be capable of motivating students to acquire interest in and aptitude for Visual Arts;
  3. develop in the student-teachers the appropriate communication skills for effective transmission of artistic information and skill to the students in the context of their environment;
  4.  equip the student-teachers with adequate knowledge and ability to establish and manage a school studio effectively;
  5. provide a sound background that will further enhance academic and professional progression of the student- teachers;
  6.  train good, effective, skilled and efficient Artists who will be useful in the teaching field and can be self-sufficient;
  7. train Art graduates who will be morally –  sound, educationally efficient without religious and cultural bias;
  8. bridge the gap between the B.A (Fine & Applied Arts) and B.Ed (Fine & Applied Arts) graduates.

Below are the list of Programmes Under Creative Arts:

  • Fine and Applied Arts
  • Theatre Arts Education

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Course List

S/N Course Code Course Title
1 CFA111 General Drawing
2 CFA112 Introduction to 2-Dimensional Design 1
3 CFA113 Prehistoric Art of Africa and the West
4 CFA121 Life Drawing
5 CFA122 Nigerian Traditional and Contemporary Art
6 CFA211 Life and General Drawing
7 CFA212 Nigerian Art History
9 CFA221 European Art History II (Renaissance to 20th Century Art
10 CFA222 Introduction to Photography
11 CFA311 General Drawing
12 CFA312 African Art
13 CFA313 Art Criticism
14 CFA314 Nigerian Art Education History
15 CFA321 Life and General Drawing
17 CFA323 Art Education/Methodology
18 CFA324 Research Methodology of Art and Design
19 CFA421 Nigerian Traditional Architectural History
20 CFA422 Exhibition and Display Techniques
21 CFA423 Draughtmanship
22 CFA429 Project
23 CFP221 Painting Composition
24 CFP321 Painting Composition
25 CFP322 Painting Styles
26 CFP323 Mixed Media Painting
27 CFP421 Advanced Painting Composition
28 CFP422 Advanced Mixed Media Painting
29 CFP423 Portraiture
30 CFS221 Wood Carving /Metal Construction
31 CFS321 Metal Design and Construction
32 CFS322 Traditional Nigerian Sculpture (Wood Carving, Stone Carving, Thorn Carving and Calabash Carving
33 CFS323 Modern Materials for Sculpture
34 CFS421 Advanced Moulding and Casting
35 CFS422 Metal Construction and Casting
36 CFS423 Advanced Firing and Glazing
37 CIC221 Hand Built Pottery/ Throwing
38 CIC321 Ceramic History
39 CIC322 Hand Built Pottery /Ceramic Sculpture
40 CIC323 Throwing
41 CIC421 Advanced Hand Built Pottery
42 CIC422 Advanced Firing and Glazing
43 CIC423 Industrial Ceramic Production (Throwing Wheel)
44 CID111 Computer for Artistic Representation
45 CID112 Introduction to 3-Dimensional Design
46 CID121 Introduction to Computer Graphics
47 CID211 Introduction to Computer Animation
48 CID213 2 Dimentional Design
49 CID421 Indigenous Nigerian Costumes and Body Adornment
50 CIG222 Cartooning and Illustration
51 CIG321 Newspapers, Magazines, Book Design and Production
52 CIG322 Advanced Graphics
53 CIG323 Printmaking
54 CIG421 Theory of Advertising System and Methods
55 CIG422 Advanced Photography and Lithographic Printing
56 CIG423 Print Media Cartooning
57 CIT222 Textile Design Production
58 CIT321 Advanced Dyed Textile
59 CIT322 Textile Product Application
60 CIT323 Embroidery I
61 CIT421 Advanced Printed Textiles
62 CIT422 Advanced Woven Textiles
63 CIT423 Garment Desing and Construction
64 CMU112 Introduction to Music and Dance Production
65 CMU122 Music Education in Nigeria
66 CMU211 HISTORY OF WESTERN MUSIC from 1750-1900
68 CMU321 African Music/Dance Performance II
69 CTA111 Introduction to Theatre Arts
70 CTA121 History of African Theatre
71 CTA211 Acting Techniques and Stage Craft
72 CTA221 Drama Production and Performance
73 CTA321 Drama Directing, Production and Performance
74 CTA322 Radio /TV Production
75 FAA111 General Drawing
76 FAA112 Introduction to 2-Dimensional design 1
77 FAA113 Introduction to 3 Dimensional Design
78 FAA114 Prehistoric Art of Africa and the West
79 FAA115 Introduction to Music and Dance Production
80 FAA116 Introduction to Theatre Arts
81 FAA121 Life Drawing
82 FAA122 Introduction to Computer Graphics
83 FAA123 History of African Theatre
84 FAA124 Nigerian Traditional Art
85 FAA211 Life and General Drawing
86 FAA212 Introduction to Computer Animation
87 FAA213 Acting Techniques and Stage Craft
88 FAA214 Nigerian Contemporary Art
89 FAA221 Introduction to Photography
90 FAA222 Cartooning and Illustration
91 FAA223 Drama Production and Performance
92 FAA224 European Art History II (Renaissance to Post-Impressionism)
93 FAA225 Wood Carving /Metal construction
94 FAA226 Painting Composition
95 FAA227 Hand Built Pottery/ Throwing
96 FAA228 Textile Design Production
97 FAA311 General Drawing
98 FAA312 Nigerian Art Education History
99 FAA313 Art Criticism
100 FAA314 African Art
101 FAA321 Life Drawing
102 FAA322 Art Education/ Methodology
103 FAA323 African Music /Dances Performance II
104 FAA324 Western Art History (Cubism to Post-modern Art)
105 FAA325 Research Methodology of Art and Design
106 FAA326 Radio /TV Production
107 FAA421 Draughtmanship
108 FAA422 Exhibition Techniques and Display
109 FAA423 Nigerian Traditional Architectural History
110 FAA424 Indigenous Nigerian Costumes and Body Adornment
111 FAA429 Project
112 FAC321 Ceramics History
113 FAC322 Hand built Pottery/Ceramic Sculpture
114 FAC323 Throwing
115 FAC421 Industrial Ceramic Production
116 FAC422 Advanced Hand built Pottery
117 FAC423 Advanced Firing and Glazing
118 FAG321 Newspapers, Magazines, Book Design & Production
119 FAG322 Advanced Graphics
120 FAG323 Printmaking
121 FAG421 Theory of Advertising System and Methods
122 FAG422 Advanced Photography and Lithographic Printing
123 FAG423 Print Media Cartooning
124 FAP321 Painting Composition
125 FAP322 Painting Styles
126 FAP323 Mixed Media Painting
127 FAP421 Advanced Painting Composition
128 FAP422 Advanced Mixed Media Painting
129 FAP423 Portraiture
130 FAS321 Metal Design and Construction
131 FAS322 Traditional Nigerian Sculpture (Wood, stone, thorn carving etc.
132 FAS323 Modern Materials for Sculpture
133 FAS421 Advanced Moulding & Casting
134 FAS422 Metal Construction and Casting
135 FAS423 Advanced Firing and Glazing
136 FAT321 Advanced Dyed Textile
137 FAT322 Textile Product Application
138 FAT323 Garment Design and Construction
139 FAT421 Advanced Printed Textiles
140 FAT422 Advanced Woven Textiles
141 FAT423 Garment Design & Construction


G.C.E. ‘O’ level or NTC, NBC Credit/Merit in five/six subjects at one/ two sittings including English Language.



i. NCE with at least a Merit pass in Fine and Applied Arts (Double Major), Music or related discipline will be an added advantage.
ii. At least ‘A’ level passes in Fine Art and Music and any other subject will be an added advantage.
iii. OND/HND (Upper Credit).


Any three subjects.


NABTEB, NBC/NTC Certificate is acceptable.

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